How much time does a website take to create

How much time does it take to create a website?

Building a great website is typically a very time-consuming process, typically to make a website businesses should count on three to four months. Which is a significant time for organisations. Next to this, many organisations face the frustration of delayed website development, with projects dragging on longer than expected. This can lead to missed opportunities and hinder your business growth. To overcome this, we’ve compiled a set of actionable tips to streamline your website building journey.

How long does it take to make website?

Making a website can take between 5 and 400 hours. It really depends on the requirements and how skillful the creator is.

Website Type Complexity Estimated Time Notes
Basic Landing Page Low 5 – 10 hours Requires basic design, text, and contact forms.
Small Business Website Low-Medium 10 – 30 hours Several pages with static content and basic branding.
Corporate website Medium 30 – 125 hours Complex lead generation website, customised service pages
E-commerce Website Medium-High 50 – 200 hours Product listings and information, shopping cart, payment integration
Custom Website High 200 – 400 hours Unique functionality, complex development

Next to this, content creation (such as texts and images) are sometimes included in the time to create a website. This will add even more time. Typically you can expect to the following amount of time needed:

Four tips to manage the time that is required

The timely completion of your website depends on a collaborative effort between the website builder and you, the client. Top tips to manage your time:

  1. Create agreements with your website builder. Discuss timelines, deliverables, and potential contingencies. Ensuring both parties understand the expectations and obligations will set a solid foundation for a smooth collaboration.
  2. Select a competent website builder. Their dedication, responsiveness, and experience play a crucial role in project efficiency. A qualified website builder will adhere to deadlines and ensure your website is completed within the agreed time frame.
  3. Plan ahead: If you need a new website, ensure you at least have a 2 months of time extra then the expected time to create it. Planning for a delay will ensure that your project is more likely to be on time for launch. Delays may occur because of technical obstacles or designs that need to be redone.

What can the website owners do to speed up the process?

You might want to speed up the process when you have a deadline coming up fast. The completion time of your website depends on a collaborative effort between you, the client, and your website developer / agency, and there are several things you can do to speed up the process.

  1. Make a website features list: Write down a list of essential features that you website requires, for example pages such as calendar, contact form, webshop, product / services pages .
  2. Share a marketing briefing: Website builders will better understand what is needed when it is clear what the target group is and what the USP are of your product/service.
  3. Prepare your content in advance: Provide content for the developer to add to the website pages you require, including texts, images, and multimedia.
  4. Send design references: Think about the branding & design of your website and give examples of websites that you like and already have what you want to have.
  5. Provide fast feedback: Stay actively involved in the development process by providing feedback and answering questions promptly.

What can the website builders do to speed up the process?

Website builders often have there own ways to build websites, but there are several basic things they can do to help there clients get a website faster.

  1. Defining roles and responsibilities: Create a clear plan that will describe the tasks, deadlines and responsibilities to avoid bottlenecks.
  2. Send a requirements list: By using questionnaires, templates, and frameworks, developers can learn faster and more efficiently what is needed within the website.
  3. Feedback system: A feedback system such as Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, Webflow, and Canva can be used to get easier feedback on the website development.
  4. Short meetings and updates: Presenting the process without showing to many unnecessary details, the developer can keep you update without wasting precious time.

The difference between most website builders and SublimeStart

SublimeStart stands apart from other website builders by offering not just website creation but also advertising and content support to ensure your online presence is a success. The process involves close collaboration from the outset, guiding you in defining your target audience, mapping their journey to conversion, and establishing clear goals.

We can make the website process faster with quick meetings ensures we capture every aspect of your website vision. Once the first meetings have gone by, we’ll craft a captivating draft within a 2 weeks. With the initial draft ready, we welcome your feedback through, further aligning your website with your objectives and brand. Typically our approach will have your website online within 2 months.

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