How much money does a new website cost

Website Cost: DIY, Custom Templates, and Custom Websites

Like building a house, creating a proper corporate website tailored to your needs requires careful planning and investment. So lets take a look at what a corporate website of 10 to 30 pages exactly costs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the factors that influence website pricing for Do-It-Yourself, Custom Template Websites and Completely Custom Websites.

What does a normal corporate website cost?

The cost of developing a website can range from a few hundred euros to tens of thousands of euros, and even more in some cases. This wide range reflects the vast array of factors that influence website pricing, including your budget, design preferences, functionality requirements, level of customization, and the choice of web development agency. Here’s a breakdown of the possible costs:

  • Do-It-Yourself Website: Create your own website using a website builder or standard template for around € 250 to € 750.
  • Standard Template Website: Hire a developer to create a website based on a pre-designed template for € 750 to € 2,500.
  • Custom Website: Engage with a website agency to develop a fully customized website tailored to your specific needs for € 5,000 to € 30,000.

Choosing a website cost

Do you want to choose which website costs fits you best? Below you can find the benefits and disadvantages.

DIY Website

Do-it-yourself (DIY) websites require varying amounts of time to create, depending on the experience and skill level of the creator. Beginners may need several hours or even days to complete a simple website using a website builder or template. On the other hand, more experienced users might be able to finish the same project in a shorter amount of time. The complexity of the website design and the customization options chosen also play a important role in determining the time needed for final completion. Moreover, sometimes you can’t finish the website perfectly.

You may or may not spend less time, resources and energy or more time on it. Sometimes you also can’t complete the do it yourself website yourself, or the website provider doesn’t allow it. If you have more time than money a do-it-yourself website is a cheap way to get a website. It can be compared to assembling a standard bookshelf with pre-formed planks. It doesn’t cost much and can be done quikcer then you think, however you will have to do the upkeep and website growth will be expensive and limited in both time and money in the long run.

Benefits DIY Website

  • Cost-effective: DIY websites typically have lower upfront costs compared to hiring professionals.
  • Control: Complete control over the design and content of your website.
  • Quick setup: Website builders have their own tools and templates, allowing quicker setup.
  • Learning opportunity: Building your own website can be a valuable learning experience, helping you gain skills in web design and development.

Disadvantages DIY Website

  • Limited customization: While website builders offer templates, customization options may be limited, resulting in a generic or less professional-looking website.
  • Time-consuming: Building a website from scratch or using a template still requires time and effort, especially if you’re not familiar with web design.
  • Lack of support: If you encounter technical issues or need assistance, you may have limited support options compared to professional services.

Custom Template Website

A standard website, based on a template, is like ordering a ready-made cabinet crafted to a standard design. It’s a step up from building it yourself because it offers more customization, but it remains limited to the options built into the template. You will have to choose the custom template wisely, so you can can customize it properly to to fit your style and needs.

Benefits Custom Template Website

  • Cost-effective: Hiring a developer to create a custom template is generally more affordable than a fully custom website.
  • Professional design: Templates offer a polished and professional appearance to enhance your online presence.
  • Faster development: Using a pre-designed template can speed up the development process, reducing the time it takes to launch your website.

Disadvantages Custom Template Website

  • Limited functionality: Pre-designed templates may not fully meet your specific needs or allow for extensive customization.
  • Lack of uniqueness: Since templates are used by multiple websites, your site may lack originality and stand out less from competitors.
  • Potential for updates and maintenance: Depending on the template and developer, you may encounter limitations in updating or modifying the website in the future.

Custom Website

When talking about extended custom websites, it’s like crafting a unique piece of furniture. How complex your custom website will be is up to you. The result is a website that’s truly tailored to your exact specifications. Custom websites are more difficult to manage and update because every element is tuned to meet your needs.

A custom website is like having a furniture maker design and build a unique, bespoke cabinet that precisely meets your specifications. It costs more and takes longer to make, but the result is fully tailored to your needs and of the highest quality.

Benefits Custom Website

  • Tailored to your needs: A custom website is designed and developed specifically for your business or organization, ensuring it meets your unique requirements.
  • Unique design: With a custom website, you have complete control over the design and functionality, allowing you to create a distinctive online presence.
  • Scalability: Custom websites can be built with scalability in mind, allowing for future expansion and integration of additional features as your business grows.

Disadvantages Custom Website

  • Higher cost: Custom websites typically come with a higher price tag due to the extensive design and development work involved.
  • Longer development time: Building a custom website from scratch takes time, as it requires thorough planning, design, and development phases.
  • Dependence on developers: Once the website is built, you may need ongoing support from developers for updates, maintenance, and troubleshooting, which can incur additional costs.

Time spend on website

Maximum time to create a corporate website of 10 to 30 pages.

Basic Activities Maximum template Website Maximum Custom Website
Developing structure and functionality 6 hours 16 hours
Graphic design and text 36 hours 160 hours
Project management 14 hours 80 hours
Technical realization (Front-end) 40 hours 90 hours
Technical realization (Back-end) 20 hours 36 hours
Delivery of website 1 hours 3 hours
Launching website (including redirects) 2 hours 3 hours
Support first period after launch 3 hours 12 hours
Total cost 122 hours 400 hours

One time setup costs

With the hourly rate range of of  € 25 – € 75 you will get the following numbers.

  • Good Template Website: € 3,050 – € 9,150
  • Good Custom Website: € 10,000  – € 30,000

Create a website through SublimeStart

At SublimeStart, we specialize in crafting custom websites tailored to your unique requirements at a very convenient price. In addition to creating amazing websites, we use responsive web design tools to adapt your site to different platforms and achieve greater reach.

Next to this, SublimeStart can work closely with your organization to understand what else can be needed to make your online presence a success!

Would you like to know our costs? Then please contact us so we can help you with a proposal. Let the hard work on our hands and enjoy the results of having a unique website for your business!

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